2023: The 10 Best Supplements To Reduce Alcohol Cravings

Additionally, there are some herbal remedies to help with alcohol cravings. Having a solid support system is helpful for helping your recovery more manageable. When the cravings become overwhelming, friends, family, and community organizations can provide some exceptional support to get you through the tough spots.

Importance of Hydration and Balanced Diet

But in spite of your goals and no matter how committed you are to changing your habits around drinking, avoiding alcohol might prove a little more difficult than you expected. We’re a modern 64-bed inpatient facility in Loveland, Colorado, with leading-edge medical technology and a strong reputation for clinical excellence and healthcare quality. Besides these measures, specific lifestyle changes are also worth considering. Regular exercise promotes the natural glutamine production within our bodies, while sufficient sleep ensures optimal absorption. While we’ve explored how alcohol and stress can lead to glutamine depletion, it’s crucial not to overlook other contributing factors. Having the backing of loved ones can foster motivation, resilience, and a commitment to recovery.

Crafting a List of Healthy Diversions

External triggers refer to the environmental cues you link to alcohol, including places, times, people, and situations. Most people who experience cravings notice a mix of internal and external triggers. Your doctor will have a good overview of your health and well-being. From this herbs to curb alcohol cravings perspective, it’s much easier to predict whether the use of a given supplement is a good idea. It’s also easier to respond promptly to any unforeseen mental or physical supplement effects. These substances may work by helping reduce the amount of inflammation within your body.

  • Let’s take a closer look at a few natural herbs that can help ease the pain of alcohol withdrawal.
  • How and where you attempt detoxification will be determined by your level of alcohol dependency.
  • Some focus on therapy, emphasizing individual, and group and family counseling.
  • L-Theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety.

Surprising Home Remedies for Addiction to Alcohol

herbs to curb alcohol cravings

Everyone is different, and different pathways work for different people depending on a range of factors, including level of dependency, environment, access to services and personal relationships. People with higher dependence should contact their GP who can offer advice and a referral, should medical help be required. A 2008 paper published in the journal Alcohol Research and Health describes the processes behind dependence, withdrawal and relapse. They offer a list of 10 questions you should ask prospective providers.

Consider seeking professional help in either an inpatient, an outpatient, or an accredited facility. Milk Thistle is a longtime favorite of drinkers and those with HIV. Its active component, sylmarin, plays a role in the management of liver toxicity.

herbs to curb alcohol cravings

That’s why I recommend people supplement with krill oil, a special kind of fish oil that contains the essential omega-3 fatty acids. I find that I have a brighter outlook on life when I take krill oil consistently. Lastly, in abstinent alcoholics, elevated omega-3 intake reduces stress and cortisol, and omega-3 fatty acids significantly lower the desire for alcohol in mice (30, 31). They can support your mitochondria and increase your brain’s growth hormone, and have been shown to improve mood, sleep, learning and memory.

  • These 9 nutrients, vitamins and supplements have helped me minimize withdrawal symptoms, overcome my addictions, and get on with my life.
  • Any given supplement for alcohol cravings may have unintended effects on you.
  • The effect comes from the roots of the plant which can be eaten, or used to make an herbal tea.
  • Every tissue in your body has vitamin D receptors, including the brain, heart, muscles, and immune system.

These are all vital points to remember when facing those relentless cravings. Glutamine, that powerhouse amino acid, has proven itself as a natural remedy for alcohol cravings. Moving beyond just supplementation, adopting a ketogenic diet could also play a crucial role in this battle.

herbs to curb alcohol cravings

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